Anastasia devana fabric angry bots script
Anastasia devana fabric angry bots script

So, here's the first part of my support question:

Anastasia devana fabric angry bots script code#

A quick look at the code in the script and, yep, that seemed to be what was calling the script. Opening the hierarchy of the Footstep Signals property eventually unearthed a property of a property (!) called 'Action' that was called 'OnFootstep'. In the end I just started trawling through all the scripts attached to the mech, and eventually found a property called 'Footstep Signals' on a script called 'MechAnimation.js' on a sub-object in the mech's gameobject hierarchy called 'mech_bot'. Still nothing specific, the closest being a couple of people asking footstep related questions. I had a mooch about in the Unity documentation and on Unity Answers.

anastasia devana fabric angry bots script

No joy, but was I looking in the right place? I changed tyhe file filter to search in all files in the whole project folder. I tried 'find in files' in Visual Studio. There's a function called OnFootstep() in this script and something must be calling it, but what? I'd got no idea where to look to find out how it might be getting called.

anastasia devana fabric angry bots script

I'd never had a serious look at the Angry Bots sample (I originally got involved with Unity for hobby use just before the release of 3.0 which was before Angry Bots shipped with Unity), so assuming that this sample would show 'best practice' use of Unity by the people who make it I thought I'd have a look around in it to see if I was missing anything, doing anything wrong, or could be doing anything better.įor one reason or another, I ended up mooching about in the scripts attached to one of the big ED-209 style mechs and I noticed a script called 'FootStepHandler.js', so I had a look in there and found some pretty inexplicable code. I've spent a fair amount of time messing about with Unity and generally I'm very very impressed. I currently work as the Technical Director at Gamer Camp which is a masters level course in game development taught within a simulated game studio environment. First, a little background: I've come to Unity as an Indy developer after working as a programmer / designer in the console space since 1996.

Anastasia devana fabric angry bots script